Kudos to James Farmer, who runs the Edublogs service. He has outdone himself.
The server was upgraded last week and the new functionality is fabulous. We can now easily embed Flash, Director, YouTube, Google Video, and iFilm files directly into blog posts, which is a greatly appreciated feature. As well as that, he has installed additional WordPress plug-ins which enable us to do a heap of cool stuff, like the “listen to podcast” option through Talkr, and a link to easily add photos directly from your Flickr account, like so.
Thanks James for continuing to make Edublogs (and I’m hoping Learnerblogs too!) better all the time.
By the way, all this funky Web 2.0 spelling of words like Flickr, Talkr, Frappr, etc is making me wonder if I should start spelling my own last name as Betchr?