This textbook is broken!

Our school is just about to provide Netbook computers (Lenovo S10s in case you’re interested) to all of our Year 6 students.  This is part of a project to provide an immersive technology-rich year at an age where we think it will do the most good.  Lots of Web 2.0 and open Source software tools, use of Open Office and Google Docs as their main productivity environments, access to school hosted blogs and wikis, etc.  We are trying to make use of these tools to promote creativity, productivity and higher order thinking. We want to expose them to the many great digital resources out there, while teaching them the information literacy skills needed to navigate through the massive amounts of information available.  The kids and their teachers are SO excited and, to be honest, so am I.

So when I stumbled across this video this morning I really had a giggle.  The students who made this clip did a great job of pointing out the limitations of non-digital media in a very funny way.  It’s so true, and although I don’t really agree with the whole “digital natives” idea in terms of their deeper understanding of technology, I certainly agree that our kids do just expect things to work in a certain way.  And they are right… Why shouldn’t a picture be clickable?  Or a word be linkable?  Or a page be zoomable?  And what exactly is the point of text if it’s not hypertext?

Enjoy the video.  I did.

The Stupidity of Selling the Farm

My son Alex, who is 16 years old and just starting year 11, attends Hurlstone Agricultural School.  It’s a school that’s been around for over 100 years, and has a couple of features that make it a fairly unique place to go to school.

For a start, it’s a state-run government school, but it also happen to be a boarding school.  There are, to the best of my knowledge, only two government boarding schools in all of NSW.  Secondly, it’s an academically selective school.  This means that for most students to attend the school they have to have a proven track record of academic achievement and some evidence that they are relatively bright.  Thirdly, and perhaps the thing that makes it most unique, is that it is an agricultural school. As such, it offers mandatory (up to year 10) courses in agriculture, and the school is located on 276 acres of beautiful rolling farmland.  It is, in fact, a fully working farm, complete with a commercial dairy, as well as raising cattle, chickens, sheep, pigs and other assorted animals.

The boarding school exists because, as an ag school, it provides study options for country kids who live on farms in remote areas of the state.  They come to the big city, live in the boarding house and learn all about agriculture and farming at the school, so they can take this knowledge back to the family farm.

As you might imagine, this mix of city kids and country kids, along with the fact that it is academically selective, makes it a pretty special place to go to school.

It seems the state government wants to change all that.  Late last year, under the leadership of Premier Nathan Rees, the government announced that it plans to sell off the farm land for housing in 2011.  The school community is obviously not too happy about the idea, and there is a lot of political noise being made at at the moment to try and convince the government that this is a bad idea.  Angry parents are mobilising themselves with letter-writing campaigns, complaining to local politicians, trying to make enough noise about it that the decision will be rescinded.  We can only hope that common sense will prevail in the end and the stupidity of the decision to lose the school’s greatest asset will be revoked, although what with politicians being politicians, it might be difficult to beat the lure of the almighty dollar.

It’s ironic that the term “selling the farm” is often used as a metaphor for failing to value your most essential assets, but in this case the government is quite literally “selling the farm”, dairy and all.  It is land that will never be able to be replaced, greedily sold to make a profit at the expense of providing a unique and important educational facility.

Without the farm, the school will be nothing. It needs to be saved.  I’ve written a number of letters to politicians about this, but their response has been less than impressive.  If you are reading this and want to assist, I’d encourage you to write to one of our NSW politicians. Tell them, politely but strongly, what a stupid idea this is and how it will ruin the character of a truly unique school. (Remember that when you write to politicians that email counts for very little, and a real letter on real paper with a real stamp is taken notice of far more than electronic correspondence.)  There is also a Save Hurlstone Facebook group you can join if you’d like to do that.

The other thing that took me by surprise yesterday was finding out that Alex had worked with some of his friends at school to produce a short video about why the farm needs to be saved, which was then posted to YouTube.  I’m surprised because he never mentioned it to me at all and I found out quite by accident.  The film, titled Pro Patria (the school motto, meaning “For my country”) is about 8 minutes long and does a great job of explaining, from a students’ perspective, why the farm is so important and why it should be saved.  It’s a wonderful example of how students can use social media tools like YouTube to have a voice.  I’d encourage you to watch it, and spread it around to people you know.  The more times it gets watched, the better, if for no other reason than letting our politicians know that people are taking an interest in this issue.  If you can, leave a comment on the YouTube page as well.

I know that YouTube is a contentious issue in many schools, often banned because of the potential problems it might cause.  But this is a great example of how students have used YouTube for good rather than evil, using it to have a real voice and to express an opinion about an issue they obviously care deeply about.

7 Things

Yes, it’s meme time again.  A meme, according to wikipedia, “comprises a unit or element of cultural ideas, symbols or practices; such units or elements transmit from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena.”  In other words, it’s a way to help spread a culture.

The blogosphere occasionally sends these memes around as a way to spread this culture of online community… sort of like a “getting to know you” exercise that you might do with students on the first day of class.  A topic is chosen, people respond to it and then pass the meme along to others to contribute to.  By tagging others like this, the meme spreads quickly.

I was tagged a couple of days ago in a meme called 7 Things You Don’t Need To Know About Me, by a PE teacher in Victoria named Jarrod Robinson, or mrrobbo to those that know him.  He was tagged by Rodd Lucier from Canada, otherwise known as thecleversheep.  (I find it interesting that Rodd lives in Ontario Canada, where I happen to be at the moment, so in two hops, this meme has gone from one side of the planet to the other.  Such is the nature of our online world…)

So here you go, 7 things you (really) don’t need to know about me…

  1. I liked school when I was a kid, did reasonably well at it, but didn’t take it at all seriously.  During the 4 weeks of study time before the HSC I went surfing every day.  Did ok in the HSC, but really improved my forehand bottom turns.
  2. I used to surf when I was a kid, but mainly I used to skateboard.  Unlike school, I took skateboarding very seriously and spent most weekends trekking across Sydney looking for unused pipes or empty swimming pools.
  3. I like dogs, but usually find the work required to own one too much work.  Feeding, walking and cleaning up after a dog can often outweigh the joys of owning one.  Despite this, I’ve still had several dogs over the years.  Don’t even get me started on cats.
  4. Despite learning the piano when I was a kid, I cannot play one at all now. However, I taught myself to play the bass guitar in my teens, and played in several bands when I was at art school, including this one.
  5. I’m a terrible dancer. Nothing much more to add to that, I just am.
  6. I allegedly snore. I’ve never heard myself doing it, but apparently I do. I’ve discovered Breathe Right strips recently and (I’m told) things are much better now.
  7. When I was 25 years old, my tax return listed my official occupation as a Professional Rally Driver. I drove a car in the Wynns Australian Safari that year and thanks to a generous sponsorship arrangement, I actually made the bulk of my income that year as a rally driver. 

That’ll do.

I now pass this meme along to…