Teenage Affluenza… This is Serious

Do you have kids?  Do you teach kids?  Are you a kid?

Teenage Affluenza is a serious disease that is inflicting many of our young people.  World Vision have put together this short video explaining a little about it…  it’s about 5 minutes long, but well worth the watch.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/KFZz6ICzpjI" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Seriously though, seeing the point made in this video makes one really aware of just how lucky we are in the developed world, and ought to be a wake up call for many of us.

If I was a Superhero

Since my Year 7 students will be doing a unit of work next semester on Superheros, I was doing a little surfing around the web to find some resources. (Or should that be “silver surfing“?)

In the process I stumbled across this little quiz that asks you to select a bunch of your personality traits so it can tell you which famous superhero you are most like. Apparently, I would make a good Iron Man… Inventor. Businessman. Genius.

Your results:
You are Iron Man

Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Inventor. Businessman. Genius.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Not being a huge comic book fan, I’ve never actually heard of Iron Man. However, according to Wikipedia he was a Marvel Comic books character based loosely on the rich and eccentric Howard Hughes. “Howard Hughes was one of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, an adventurer, a multi-millionaire, a ladies man and finally a nutcase.” Hmmm, well, I’m not really a multi-millionaire yet and I don’t quite have the superhero six-pack happening, but most of the rest of it could work.

Of course, if you need some more inspiration for becoming a whole new breed of superhero, you might like to try out Lee’s Useless Superhero Generator… it helps you create a whole new class of superhero, such as VibroYak with his powers of Pyrokinesis and secret weapon of Vibro Needles! Yeah! Take that Spiderman!

So, which Super are you? Leave a comment!

Rumour. Open your ears;

You may have noticed that I changed the tagline at the top of my blog to the rather cryptic phrase “Rumour. Open your ears; “. You may be asking what that’s all about…

I was looking through that recent post about monkeys and typewriters and discovered that there actually have been experiments where they have done exactly that … set a bunch of simulated chimpanzees loose on a simulated typewriters to see what happens. Interestingly, so far they have not managed to recreate the entire works of William Shakespeare.

However, apparenty the 24 character string of “Rumour. Open your ears; ” is so far the longest coherent phrase typed by a sim chimp randomly pressing keys on a typewriter. I don’t know why I thought that was so funny, but I did.

And it seemed a perfect tagline for a blog.

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